nearly three years old shopping mall called Shoprite located opposite the Apo
Resettlement district on the way to the ever busy Apo Mechanic village in
Abuja, is fast becoming a huge embarrassment to motorists. The place is now jam packed with motorists
and shoppers who throng the outlet daily. The traffic gridlock caused by this
tight spot is no longer funny especially with the Authorities looking the other
way. When the shopping mall was
established three years ago, there was not much traffic; but as more and more
Estates sprang up so did the population and traffic increase. “You could have
wondered why the Authorities concerned closed their eyes to this development”,
said an angry shopper whose vehicle was caught in the mayhem.
the reputation of Nigerians not to respect traffic regulations especially in
circumstances like this, the Shoprite junction has now been turned into a
nightmare for returning workers. Residents even question the rationale for setting up such a busy shopping outlet within residential areas.
motorists spend dreadful hours going to and from work because City Planners
failed to do what they are supposed to do.
The people in Government have simply abandoned their responsibilities
and this is not fair. “Where were they when more Estates were springing up? Did
they not know that they have to expand this road?” queried another angry
motorist. But for the long suffering Apo residents, they still have a long way
to travel as only deaf ears awaits them at every turn.
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