Bishop is young, vibrant and full of vitality; once he mounts the Altar, let’s
say 10.oclock in the morning, he hardly gets down till hours later; he conducts
Service with consummate passion, enthusiasm and rapt attention to minute
details; he quotes the scriptures eloquently, sings to the admiration of the
worshippers and preaches with fiery candor that reminds you of the inimitable
father of prosperity.. Bishop David Oyedepo! What a coincidence, the younger
and the old bear the same name! What follows next follows next is prophesy,
prophesy upon prophesy! He says “if there is a man to pray there is a God to
answer”! Not done, the young powerful man of God is angry: “This error must be
corrected”, he charges when service gets hotter. The “error” he is talking
about are legion: protracted barrenness, stagnation, limitation, unexplained
difficulties, poverty and a life of non achievement!
of the worshipers are those who are tired having visited several churches and
Pastors, Preachers and Prophets without success; they have prayed and kept
endless night vigils and fasting without reprieve; now at the “Burning Bush”,
for this is the name of the location of the Head Quarters of his church—Joshua
Generation in Ketti—a sleepy village behind Piakasa —nemesis has caught up with
perpetrators of these dastardly acts against the “captives” and the “wounded”.
Bishop David Angel variously dubbed as
a.k.a “Bazooka”, “Holy Ghost Apparatus”,” Holy Ghost Idibia” and
“microscopic scanner”, goes into action with exposing demons, principalities,
agents of darkness…there is simply no hiding place for these enemies; he calls
them “family idols” and spares them not.
supportive mantles as “anointing water”, “blood of Jesus”, “honey”, “salt of
life”, the Fiery Bishop performs what is now known as “assignments” to deliver
deadly blows against the enemies. Here is what he has to say: “My people perish
for lack knowledge” and the “truth you know in Christ will set you free“! The
revival has begun and it will debut in many nations”, said David Angel.
Ketti as “solution ground”, he said the end has come for people gripped by
“family patterns”, and those whose problems defy solutions, those who are being
mocked and facing disgrace will be bet free! And he is out to prove it saying”
life does not give you what you deserve but what you demand”!
those who are frustrated with life, Ketti, Headquarters of the Joshua
Generation Church is the place to go, where Bishop David Angel One is ever
ready to receive you! “I tried his God myself and received solutions to my protracted
battle with unemployment”, said Mr John Oshodi.
Waow! Angel 1, NO KULULU NO KALALA!!