Mahmood Abbas finally threw the garment of pretense away and exposed what all
along has been their hidden though subdued opinion: their morbid hatred for
President Abbas, the 82 year old moderate who ascended the levers of power
thirteen years ago, Isreal should not exist, should never have existed; said
he. “This is a contraption of colonial powers, a deception and make belief.”
even doubted the story of the holocaust and suggested that Palestine would now
push for One State Solution. Abbas opinion may have been belated but the
question is what next? One undeniable fact is: trust has completely eroded.
By his
unguarded outburst-arguably-accentuated by the President Trump’s declaration of
Jerusalem as Isreal’s Capital, the Jews would now become intractably hardened.
Palestinians have spent nearly 70 years contesting the right of Isreal to
exist; Pundits are of the opinion that had those years been spent in building a
reputation as peace loving people perhaps the task of forming a two-state
solution would have been less difficult.
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