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It is possible many people may not yet have figured out the massive damage that false prophets and others have inflicted on innocent Nigerians. But the truth is, this spectre has become a pandemic so widespread to the extent that some of the active players in this cadre are now emboldened even producing more sophisticated “prophetic gymnastics” and if you like ‘pastoral gimmickry”! Do not be deceived anymore: it is all a façade. Tragically, this spiritual betrayal is leading to depression in many cases. I have been a victim, but mercifully, I have managed to escape- through aggressive prayer counter attack. And now live to tell my story.
Let me quickly refer you to the book of Acts of the Apostles, chapter 5 vs. 36 – 37.  To drive butress the existence of predatory “pastors” and “prophets”; A Pharisee named Gamaliel, a famed doctor of law in those days stood up to recall the exploits of one Theudaias (fake prophet) who rose up with many followers and boasted himself a man of God; Gamaliel noted that he did not last long; he was slain; so also was one Judas of Galilee (another fake pastor), who also drew much crowd; himself perished.  Today, you have many so-called “crack’’ prophets plotting  to perform “miracles” and “prophesying deeper”: they are often encouraged by members who intermittently scream “pastor go deeper”! And they go on to “describe” the type of television set you have in your bedroom, something that has no relevance whatsoever to the problem you are faced with! They use the radio, television, crusades and phantom programmes to ply their trade.
And despite the various monetary “giving’s” at least to keep the vineyard buoyant, “innocent followers” are still left disappointed, dejected and frustrated. But since religion is like opium, and you are bent on receiving your “miracle”, you plunge on and on; as a result, scores of believers throng the offices of pastors and ministers after church services wanting to “inquire” more and hear from God, there is little focus on God Himself. But “in the process of time”, the truth unfolds and they discover that they have been left in the cold, penniless – and bewildered. God describes the resulting experience as ‘’Iron furnace ‘’! See Deut 4 vs. 20; How can one be in ‘’ Iron furnace’’ and survive?  This is referring to frequent disappointments, poverty, extreme hardship frequently experienced, all of which add to their misery. But the good news is that God is not wicked. He said He will bring you out of “Egypt”, meaning “extreme hardship and poverty”,   that’s what is going to happen to you as you change and focus on him. Refer to Deut 4 verse 29 “If you diligently seek me, you will find me”, said the Lord. In Isaiah 44 vs. 6, the Lord noted: “I am the first and the last; besides me there is none “No pastor or prophet can set you free from the powers of darkness except God.  Have you really sought Him or you are hobnobbing around pastors? David in psalm 130 cried to the Lord from ‘’out of the depths of his heart’’.  And he found Him.   You too can. Depend less on others.  Though, there are some good pastors and prophets, you are only lucky if you find them-not those who will cleverly demand  “5,000” naira or more before you see them.  By the way why would anybody in his right senses demand “money” from helpless victims suffering from protracted ailments? Jesus didn’t do that. Believers, learn more to pray on your own-especially at nights. The bible says Job 36 vs. 20, “desire not the night when men are cut off from their destiny”. You must put up a resistance. Don’t run from church to church. Discipline yourself by having a programme of fasting. You will also do yourself a whole lot of good when you learn to give; giving works like magic.   May you be blessed as you become more conscious of your spiritual gift, Amen.


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