Cardinal Odumbaku may be a man of the priestly robe, but it is doubtful if he ever heard of the name Adonijah in the bible. Adonijah was a son of king David and on impulse wanted to usurp the channel of leadership by treacherously getting fake supporters to make him king over Israel. He sensed that his was popular and as such skipped the official procedures when the real king had not authorized. But Solomon's mother calmly went in and whispered to the ailing King David who instructed that Solomon-the rightful heir to the throne be anointed King, dressed in his own very robe and ride in his personal horse. When Adonijah and his fellow band of conspirators apparently boozed up from long celebration heard the tumultuous shout of joy coming from the city, they asked the vital question: "what meanest this sound", and they were told the bitter truth. Today thousands of years later, a certain Cardinal Odumbaku who dabbled into politics (whoops!should have known) ...