The die is cast, and for stubborn matters like this sudden creation of “Amotekun”, resolving it may well be beyond the grip our forefathers. This is not an ordinary political contest; neither a handshake below the elbow- it is something akin to a supremacy fight between two powerful groups in the land called Nigeria. Above the surface, the impending fight resembles a rivalry or tussle between two prominent security outfits; but beneath the surface lies a deeper meaning- your interpretation depending on which side of the land you come from-the north or the south. What seemed to have spiked the open declaration for “Amotekun” may actually not be far from the oppressive rule and skewed appointments of the Buhari Administration to favour his ethnic stork. Buhari has not hidden his preference to appoint only people he can “trust”; but the trouble is: he is the President of Nigeria—and not the Northern States! And the Yoruba’s have had enough of this “push around”. Since Presiden...