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Showing posts from July, 2016


PREMIER LEAGUE…LA LIGA ….........................  PREPARATIONS HOTS UP. As the preparation for the major leagues opening session continues, there is trepidation as to who will be crowned kings in Spain, England and the Bundesliga. One thing is however clear: with Jose Mourihno, Pep Guardiola, Antonio Conte and Jurgen Klopp all in Europe, the battle is bound to be stiff. In Spain, Luis Enrique is not expected to have it as smooth at the home front. Zinedine Zidene is there to make sure of that. In Germany, would Carlo Ancelloti    have it smooth? Only time will tell                                                                                                                    ...


CHARACTER TRAITS EXHIBITED BY NIGERIANS Nigerians do strange things.   While on the steering, Nigerians frequently make phone calls.   A lot more send text messages while driving!   Many of them if they are not beating traffic lights are stopping right in the middle of the road to drop passengers.   If they are not doing that they are “insulting” anyone who makes attempt to correct them, plus the fact that they are so proud!


AT LAST BUHARI IS VINDICATED BY REVELATIONS FROM NASS When President Mohammadu Buhari raised the “padded” alarm at the infancy stage of the 2016 Budget, “disgruntled” Nigerians showed their disapproval.   But the President stuck to his “guns” said he: “I will not sign this budget because it is rubbish!   What rubbish it turned out to be! After many months, the “Jig saw” puzzle has finally settled.   “Three “gentle” and “Honorable” men within the hierarchy of the House had been exposed in perhaps one of the darkest shady deals in the annals of the Green Chambers!   The man who blew the whistle is no other than an “inner circle” Chieftain!

Constitutional Changes now!

CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES NOW! There is urgent need for constitutional changes.   A situation where certain privileged individuals gets “elected” as Governors, after 8 years, they become Senators, and afterwards become Ambassadors, or Chairmen of Parastatals!   This is an unacceptable situation.   Now the same “recycled” individuals have become so “ineffective”, they are unaware that a completely new Social Media inclined generation of Nigerians have come on board!   These same “recycled products” make sure that only “cosmetic” changes are effected each time constitutional matters crop up.   This is a disservice to the Nation.


EDO STATE: “OSHIO BABA” AND FAILED PROMISES ! Still in Edo State, the first 4 years tenure of Comrade Adams Oshiomole was unarguably eventful.   But his later years are nothing to write home.   True, the State witnessed massive infrastructural changes especially in Benin City where the Airport Road got a famous facelift.   Streets like Sapele road, Akpakpava and the New Lagos Road also got reprieve. Auchi also was not left out with new routes created out of the hitherto existing forests. Schools were reconstructed and made decent.   These however, pale into insignificance considering the visible failure recorded in the last phase of his years in office.   Textile Mill road remains an albatross as did many other areas notably the Aduwawa entrance to Benin.   Though that section is said to belong to the Federal Government, considering the exposure, it is a huge stain and a dent to Oshiomole’s credibility.   Add this to the ordeal he meted to t...

NTA: Please change your news focus

  NTA: PLEASE CHANGE YOUR NEWS FOCUS That the NTA news is boring is no longer news.   But what will, is that it is time for their news focus to change!   Not since the era of Verdict 83 that the Nigerian Television Authority has switched gear making it compulsory for Majority of their news content to be on either the “Head of State” or “President”, the Vice, wives or perhaps the Governors.   News content has changed. The world has moved from analogue to digital era.   We now have smartphones, IPAD’s, IPhone’s, etc.   If the President, C-in-C is not mentioned, it doesn’t change or diminish his status.   In other climes this is not the practice!   NTA should learn.